Are you looking to explore the vast collection of books and other materials offered by the Nashville Public Library? You're in luck! With a valid library card, you can take out up to 100 items at a time, including up to 10 DVDs or 10 Playaways. Plus, you can even order instruments, health and fitness equipment, tools, and more for free. If you're looking for digital books, the Nashville Public Library's digital collection with Overdrive technology has you covered. All you need is a valid library card and an application.
Lore Stevens, who is part of the library's technology team, said that there are often more electronic copies than physical copies of certain books in the library's collection, so you have a better chance of getting the book you want more quickly. You can take out e-books for seven, 14, or 21 days. You don't have to do anything to return them; they simply expire on your devices on the designated return date. So what are you waiting for? Get your library card today and start exploring the Nashville Public Library's vast collection of books and other materials. The Nashville Public Library offers an incredible selection of books, DVDs, Playaways, instruments, health and fitness equipment, tools, and more. With a valid library card, you can check out up to 100 items, including 10 DVDs or 10 Playaways.
Plus, you can even order certain items for free. The library also has an extensive digital collection with Overdrive technology. All you need is a valid library card and an application to access it. Lore Stevens from the library's technology team said that there are often more electronic copies than physical copies of certain books in the library's collection, so you have a better chance of getting the book you want more quickly.
You can take out e-books for seven, 14, or 21 days. When the loan period ends, they will automatically expire on your device. So don't wait any longer - get your library card today and start exploring the Nashville Public Library's vast collection of books and other materials!.